Awesome AI stuff, delivered daily, for free! Check out the AI For Humans: DAILY DRIP!


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Been listening and watching since I met Gavin at opj event last year
So great show guys. Always funny and entertaining. In my head and with some of my friends I’ve been doing the dumb things I did with AI this week. Nothing as fancy as you but I do try out and play with new products every week. Another habit now is using your question that Kevin doesn’t like to much anymore and I get lots of interesting conversations Here’s last nights On the morbid side… Every week my favorite podcast, AI for Humans asks the question to their guest, “What in your opinion is the likelihood that AI will destroy all Humans. Give a percent between 1 and 100 along with your reasons why. So I asked the question last night to one of the people at a networking event in Burbank last night … Quite a hot button topic. She gave it 50+%. Though her answer and reasoning weren’t about AI killing us all. It was that AI will be the demise of civilization. We already don’t have to know how to do many things anymore. With Generative AI and coming AGI, we will have to know how to do less and less, creativity will be squashed, and our intelligence will wane. While in the meantime we will find a cure for cancer, solve world hunger , and explore the planets followed by the stars. What do you think? You should both be answering the question on a regular basis.

Unveiling AI: Insights, Humor, and More
Gavin Purcell has done it again! After single-handedly raising the floundering TechTV into the tech juggernaut G4TV and making Fallon a star, Gavin has taken his golden touch to the podcast world. Gavin’s experience translates into an engaging and humorous hosting style that makes complex topics and thoughtful discussion relatable to the masses. This is done in many ways, but nods to comical real-world applications and simplified explanations! Gavin is joined by the ying to his yang- new AI co-hosts every week. These weekly characters add a typically short, but special touch to the show – testing and displaying some of the latest AI cognitive abilities. Mix in some lovable reoccurring AI guests like Gash and GoodGuyAI who always leave you on edge wondering when they will make their next appearance. Often, there’s also a great “real person” guest providing insights or information about the Tech/AI world (each interview begins with a Gavin-esque though provoking question to really get glimpse of the guest’s view of the tech landscape). If you have the ability to watch video while listening on Youtube, I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that you can catch Gavin’s handsome boy-ish charm finally on display in front of the camera instead of behind it! So much more I could mention, but high notes covered. Thanks, Gavin, for all you do!

The best and wittiest way to stay informed about AI advancements.
If you are tired of the same old AI discussions and jokes about how it will kill all the humans, and want to expand your knowledge on real AI advancements and breaking news, this is the podcast for you. Gavin is excellent, and fans of G4TV already know Kevin’s wit and charm well, and it is on full display here! Also, AI is probably going to kill all the humans.

Totally entertaining and informative
I listen to a lot of tech podcasts and several on AI, but this one is both super informative, relevant and totally hilarious, (as well as terrifying). Couldn’t recommend this more! Don’t forget to check out the show notes for the stories that pique your interest or make you laugh or cringe. super useful to have these, and it makes it really easy to share some of the stranger or more interesting tidbits with colleagues or friends

Laugh and Learn: Why AI for Humans is My Weekly Must-Listen
AI for Humans is essentially the only thing I look forward to each week more than Tace Tuesday—and I don't take my tacos lightly. This is seriously the only podcast I make it a point of to listen to each and every week. It is highly entertaining as well as informative. Kevin and Gavin will keep you entertained while learning for over an hour, when most shows struggle to keep your attention for 20 minutes. I don't even own an Apple device, but had to go through the hassle of installing iTunes on Windows just so I could leave them this review (but it was worth it). Thankfully I can catch the show on "Podcast Addict" on my phone. One of my favorite parts of the show is where they "hallucinate" an AI guest and interact with them in real time as if they are actually a guest on the show. My only gripe? They're keeping the secret sauce of this AI magic under wraps tighter than my grandma's recipe for lasagna. I'm dying to know how they pull it off, but I guess some mysteries are what keep a relationship exciting. Still, that's no reason to dock a star—after all, I've learned heaps and laughed tons.

Need 1M star button
I have learned so much from Jaeden on this podcast. Keep up the good work. I love all of the AI insights I gain from you! I would rate this podcast 1 million stars if I could. I actually submitted a support request asking Apple to change the ranking system to allow for this but have not heard back yet.

Great Show Even For The Dumbest of Nerds
As a self-proclaimed “dumb” nerd, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this podcast! The hosts are funny, laid back and informative. Whether you are a seasoned tech guru or just trying to figure out how to use your Apple Watch, this podcast has something for everyone in my opinion. Highly recommend for nerds of all intelligence levels!

Here’s to 2 great hosts
Great show, we get to learn about this awesome new tech while being entertained at the same time. Kevin is an awesome host and I have to say Gavin is the perfect AI cohost to be Kevin’s own personal Robin on the show. My wife and I watch this show every week on YouTube and realized we had an apple device to contribute this well earned 5 star review. Nothing beats the conditional love they give their audience and who doesn’t need another unhealthy relationship in their lives? Side note our daughter is due soon and there is a high likelihood her name’s origin will be from watching this show (the episode with Gina). And yes Gavin we know you’re a “real” person, we just love the look you get when people rave about Kevin and we wanted to be part of that. Here’s to 2 great hosts every episode… and Gavin.

An informative mood booster
I listen to a handful of other Ai podcasts, and I always look forward to this one for a more realistic application of what the average joe needs to know. While other Ai podcasts are dry facts and information, Ai for Humans is the SNL of the Ai podcast genre. This podcast always brings a laugh, smile and desire to share a giggle with others. Although, the sharing part is kinda required, since people around me are wondering what I am laughing at. Keep up the great entertainment, and the information doesn’t hurt either.

Doctor Approved!
I'm a Pediatrician and AI Biomedical Informatics researcher, and unironically, this podcast is one of my go-to sources for updates, a refreshing change from the dry scientific journals I usually have to sift through. Weeks later, I'm still in stitches over the "zen the f out" AI meditation bell episode. -Dr Yaa Kumah-Crystal

This show has taught me more about AI then any other source. The stories and information coupled with comedy make what used to be an overwhelming amount of confusing information easier to digest. Kevin and Gavin have a chemistry that is convincingly sincere. Their conversations are endlessly entertaining and informative. Kevin dismisses the AI cohost too soon. (Tetris battle royale was Kevin’s idea first!)

Looks like that kid from Arena
…he just doesn’t have the mustache anymore. I’ve been there form the beginning when Kevin was with that hulk. Kevin has an attitude which defined a generation. He still has that spunk and Gavin still has that spank. My new favorite spot for AI news and hallucinations.

AI-C What You’ve Been Doing There
Just had to prove I actually listen to the show with my review title. Seriously though it was fun to find Kevin here since I used to watch G4 TV, and nice to make your acquaintance, virtually speaking, Gavin. I work in the entertainment industry, and I’m always trying to stay on top of trends and new technologies. There are several informative podcasts on AI that I like, but the best thing about this podcast is the practical application and the testing. That’s totally my jam. I myself love to tinker, and your podcast has given me tons of ideas, the title of my review could’ve been called “Impress Your Friends, AI-ght?!?”. Keep up the great work. Know I’ve recommended you to many coworkers. But y the way, I discovered you from the Last Week in AI podcast. Or is it this week in AI? I can never remember.

Favorite show since Cheers (Season 2)
Given how fast the AI space is moving, there's no need to obsessively refresh your feed every hour. 'AI for Humans' is the solution. Right from the start, the hosts turn the complexity of AI news into a weekly catch-up session, blending humor with the latest insights. The addition of a weekly AI guest? Pure genius. This show is your weekly digest of everything AI, wrapped in laughter. Absolutely fantastic.

Al awesomeness
Al For Humans! You guys manage to turn Al jargon into something I can actually understand—no small feat. Kevin, you've been rocking it since the G4 era, and I'm convinced you have an Al brain. I remember an interview you recently did with Code Miko where you were geeking out about machine learning. I caught those vibes! I have a burning question though KP: Is Gavin the secret sauce to your success? I heard he was the wordsmith behind a bunch of G4 stuff. Are you just Gavin's puppet with a good-looking face? Curious minds want to know. Thanks for the laughs and the knowledge!

Who is making AI fun!
This podcast is a must for anyone who wants to stay tuned to the latest developments in AI but delivered by smart, fun and entertaining guys that really know their stuff! Cheers! CurveMan

Very informative and fun
I’ve always been a Kevin fan. I enjoy the depth of AI that Gavin and Kevin go into while keeping it entertaining.

Great hosts
I was drunk and had a dream about a giant Nintendo controller from days of old. So glad I dived down this 3 AM nostalgic rabbit hole and found me some sweet KP at bottom :) love the show it’s got me saying please and thank you to AI. Love ya since Arena. Peace

Mastering the Art of AI-Generated Imagery: A Carnivore's Delight!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I'm thrilled to share a delightful experience I had, thanks in large part to the intriguing challenge posed in your recent episode. The task? To generate an image of a burger, specifically without the traditional lettuce and pickles, using an AI model. Not only was this challenge a gourmet feast for thought, but it also turned out to be a resounding success! Your podcast has always been a beacon of inspiration and a hub for AI enthusiasts to gather and explore the frontiers of artificial intelligence. The recent episode discussing the intricate relationship between prompt crafting and AI-generated imagery was no exception. The narrative was engaging, the insights profound, and the challenge you posed was the cherry (or should I say, the patty) on top. After listening to the episode, I was motivated to take on the challenge. The goal was clear but seemingly elusive: craft a burger without the green garnish that so often sneaks into our AI-generated images. But with a sprinkle of creativity and a pinch of strategic prompt engineering, the mission was not just possible; it was a lip-smacking success! Here's a brief breakdown of the workflow and the final prompt that led to the triumphant generation of the 'carnivore's delight': 1. Conceptual Reframing: We approached the challenge by first understanding the typical associations AI models make with the term 'burger.' We realized the key was to break away from these associations. 2. Keyword Optimization: The prompt focused on meat-centric keywords and culinary terms that emphasized the rich and savory aspects of a meat lover's burger, avoiding any mention of the greens usually accompanying a burger. 3. Descriptive Visualization: We meticulously described each layer of our ideal burger, ensuring that the AI's focus was locked on the succulence of the meats and the richness of the cheese, steering it clear from the greens. 4. Final Prompt: "Generate an image of a gourmet meat feast, featuring a stack of succulent beef patties, richly melted cheese, and savory, caramelized onions, all nestled between toasted artisanal buns. This culinary delight is crafted for a pure carnivore, focusing solely on the interplay of meat and cheese, with no greenery or vegetable toppings. Emphasize the textures and rich colors of the beef and cheese, creating an inviting image that celebrates the art of meat craftsmanship, steering clear of traditional burger toppings like lettuce and pickles." The result? A mouth-watering image that any carnivore would be proud to call their feast – devoid of the unwelcome lettuce and pickles! While the platform doesn't allow me to share the image directly here, the victory was as clear as the absence of greens on the burger. This experience not only underscored the prowess of AI in visual content generation but also highlighted the importance of precise, thoughtful prompt engineering. Thank you, AI for Humans Podcast, for presenting such a fun and engaging challenge. Your platform continues to be an invaluable resource for learning, exploration, and pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve. Keep the challenges coming! Warm regards, [A Satisfied Listener and an AI Enthusiast]

Catching up!
Been listening to the the past episodes, love how the show progresses

Pikachu is a mouse.
As someone who was a huge AOTS fan growing up, it was nice to stumble upon this podcast and find Kevin still informing the public about tech in his own unique style. This podcast is perfect for me, as I’ve always been into technology, but have been a bit overwhelmed trying to understand AI as it comes hard and fast in our everyday lives. Kevin and Gavin help to make understanding AI more approachable and digestible, and more entertaining, of course!

Funny Insightful Show
The excellent hosts, Kevin and Gavin, distill complicated topics and breaking news into key takeaways and funny bits. Highly recommend for those newly interested in AI or those who work in the industry day-to-day and need a laugh.

Wonderful show! Love every minute of it!
Totally not from the future but I've got a feeling episode 284 is going to be a banger!

Fast and Informative
The hosts are breezy and knowledgeable, willing to dive deep but step back and explain the basic concepts to new listeners. Well worth adding to your podcast rotation.

Come for the AI, Stay for the Humans
Kevin and Gavin make AI fun and easy to understand. Their usage of AI during the show is hilarious and informative. Every episode leaves you understanding AI and its real-world applications/implications and wanting more of this awesome duo. AI for Humans is a must listen for everyone on Earth. Check out the entire back catalogue!

Yes please, may I have some more.
After listening to AI for humans for several months, this weeks show has compelled me to add this 5 star review. The robotic romance reminds me of songs from Joe’s Garage, a vacuum… a coffee make… a dynamic relationship that may end up in polygamy! You had me at hello- Gavin and Kevin’s light hearted approach to the ever evolving world of technology reminds us we can still have fun. Although, I am still waiting for a guest host appearance from Drunkle ‘Ed and that guy who cooked with lubricants. If you know you know.

Great stuff!
Thank you Kevin n Gavin for educating and entertaining me at the same about sucha complex subject. You guys make it fun to learn about what can be an intimidating topic to some, especially those of us in the entertainment industry. Theres no way around it, AI is going to change humanity for better or worse. Kevin n Gavin present the topic in a fun and curious fashion thats hilarious and informative.

Glad to see Kevin again
I’m going to assume I’m one of the few followers of AI for humans that remembers ZDTV and grew up watching The Screen Savers. As of recently I’ve been moving my career towards AI development and this has been an informative and entertaining show to watch, as I typically watch via youtube, but it’s nice to see Kevin again. I miss AOTS and find Kevin’s sense of humor very entertaining. Gavin and Kevin also have a good dynamic. So, just watch or listen, it’s all good stuff. Thank you guys for taking the time and effort to put this content out there.

Very informative and Entertaining
I am loving this AI focused podcast. I subscribe to several and this one really helps to explain AI for the everyday person. They make it very entertaining and they help to open your eyes to all the crazy ways AI can be used! Keep up the great work!