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Sept. 21, 2023

Google Bard Gets Good, New AI Tools & We "Interview" With An AI Boss | AI For Humans

In this week's AI-xplosive episode, fully human hosts Kevin Pereira & Gavin Purcell explore hot topics in the artificial intelligence community. From the huge new updates to Google's Bard, to the upcoming wave of "multimodal" AIs (from OpenAI's...

In this week's AI-xplosive episode, fully human hosts Kevin Pereira & Gavin Purcell explore hot topics in the artificial intelligence community. From the huge new updates to Google's Bard, to the upcoming wave of "multimodal" AIs (from OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google's Gemini & more) and a NEW visit from GoodGuyAI to hear a heartwarming tale of ChatGPT doing good... and then...

THE AI JOB INTERVIEW: Kevin and Gavin are both interviewed by their AI co-host, "Game Genius" Chet for a job on his hugely successful (and entirely fictional) YouTube videogame channel.

But wait... THERE'S MORE:


Visit Supermanage.AI/humans and sign up for the waitlist to support the show and learn more about this very cool AI management software.

And we've got a ton of cool tools on top of all of this... we dig into how to make that trending Spiral AI art using Control Net (and a free tool at, explore an amazing Midjourney prompt and then fully fail with it, use Pinokio.Computer to play with FaceFusion & SO MUCH MORE.

It's an endless cavalcade of rediculous and informative AI news, tools & entertainment cooked up just for you.

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Gavin: [00:00:00] Everybody.

Gavin: We are here. It is another episode of AI for Humans. Thank you for joining us. We are a fun show that goes deep on AI tools and news for regular people like you and me, and my co-host, Kevin Pereira.

Gavin: Kevin, how are you today? 

Kevin: Hi. Look at me. I'm just being regular. Just a regular person. It says it on the screen on the little lower third regular 

Kevin: meat Bagg, 

Gavin: that's your motto, Kevin. Prayer. Regular for over 25 years. 

Kevin: I'm regular. Like you, . Yeah. I had a period where Metamucil wouldn't sponsor me, but don't worry, I'm as regular . As they get, I am in, Louisiana. If you happen to get the video version and you see the fire ant allergic reaction on my arm, don't worry. I done did plenty of Googling and I fought with language models, which are what powers AI for our regular broad audience.

Kevin: Gavin, I fought with language models to help me diagnose what was going on with my arm, and I had to role play with them in order to get them to tell me what the heck was going on and if I needed to go have a limb severed. I don't, by the [00:01:00] way, spoiler, 

Gavin: did you, what was the role that you played? 

Kevin: , I had to tell it that, uh, I mean, it wasn't like a.

Gavin: I see you 

Kevin: It wasn't a kinky roleplay scenario. It wasn't like Dr. Fishnets will see you now. It was more like, Hey, I have a practitioner. I just want to sanity check their advice, their professional advice against what you would hallucinate, large language model. But anyway, that's where we're at. It's 95 degrees.

Kevin: You're gonna see me hit a flop sweat in the middle of this, but I would be frothing anyways. My pores would be open and screaming with anticipation, Gavin, because today's show is promising to be one of the most packed AI for humans we have ever had in the history of our 24 episodes. Can you believe that?

Gavin: man, my God, it's been a while. That's almost, that's half a year almost. It's pretty crazy. 

Kevin: I do wanna shout out, we're a very new endeavor. So like to say this every week because it's important, uh, us and maybe it will be important to you. Dear listener, dear viewer, please engage with this podcast.

Kevin: If you're on YouTube, click the thumb, click the bell, [00:02:00] subscribe. It doesn't cost you anything, but it helps us out. Leave a comment. you're on Apple Podcasts, we love the five star reviews. We read 'em each and every episode. are exploding on TikTok. Gavin has been crushing it over there, so if you happen to see us on the TikTok, make sure you share and leave a comment because that helps get us in front of more people. That said, Gavin, what a show today. Is there any particular thing you are excited for?

Gavin: Okay. Well I'm very excited to hear about multimodal ais that are coming. We're gonna explain what that means and also we're gonna talk about the updates that Google is gonna push out soon and maybe chat G P t racing to catch up with them. 

Gavin: I'm also very excited to show you, Mike, pretty much complete fail at attempting to repurpose a really interesting mid journey prompt that we'll talk about in the dumb thing we did with ai.

Gavin: What about you? What are you excited about? 

Kevin: I also did some really dumb things with AI that I love Gavin because they were all epic failures, but they were funny and they were single click [00:03:00] endeavors. And that's what I always love is, is being able to show something. And I know that as I'm demoing it, the audience, if they want to try it, they can go out there and be running it within minutes and it's all free.

Kevin: So I'm very excited for that. As you said, we got some huge news stories. We also have, just like we do every single show, an exciting new co-host Gavin.

Gavin: I'm, wait. I can't wait to meet him. Who's our cohost this week? I, I don't know this at all. I'm really interested to find out who's gonna join us here. 

Kevin: For the uninitiated, here's how it works. We don't really know our co-host. I mean, we come up with a prompt, which is what you use to tell an AI to start generating text. And we have a prompt for a little bit of a backstory, but we don't know what they're gonna say until they start saying it.

Kevin: So with that said, let's meet our new cohost today.

Kevin: Good Day, peasants of the Airwaves. I'm Chet p Tenison, but the cool kids, and that's basically everyone. Who's anyone in the gaming world. Simply call me Game genius, Chet. Oh, born and bred in the epic expanse of Maine. I've transcended mere mortals understanding of video [00:04:00] games. I've critiqued everything from a, a, a titles to those obscure gems like lobster, lagoon, lunacy.

Kevin: What? Oh, you haven't heard of it Figures, but I digress. You're probably more familiar with my YouTube channel, where I bless the masses with my unparalleled insights. Gavin, Kevin, I'm honored to grace your show and elevate it to newfound heights. Let's dive deep into the world of pixels, shall we? 

Kevin: Game Genius Chet I, I got, got Gavin. Did you see that? I had never heard of, what was it? Lobster Lagoon. Lunacy. . 

Gavin: Me either. That sounds fantastic. 

Gavin: I wanna hear more about lobster, 

Kevin: I thought that was a built-in Ameco title that was never gonna see the light of day. And yet here we are. And, again, for those who don't know, Gavin and I have been in the gaming industry for decades and I'd never heard.

Gavin: Why has there never been a lobster Video game is a pretty 

Gavin: good idea. 


Kevin: Oh, lobster lagoon lunacy. Oh boy. You're in for a treat. Or perhaps a claw pinch. [00:05:00] Oh, the game is a Manian classic. You see? Now sit tight, my unenlightened friend, and let the maestro walk you through it. The setting is the charming lobster lagoon in none other than picturesque Maine.

Kevin: Oh, it's very, it's a local game, an ambitious lobster with dreams bigger than the biggest pot of boiling water. Larry doesn't just want to end up as someone's dinner. He aspires to be the king of lobster lagoon. 

Kevin: What's truly mesmerizing about lobster lagoon lunacy is its impeccable use of water physics and its innovative claw combat system.

Kevin: Oh c c s tell me about the c c s, the game Boas, some breathtaking underwater graphics capturing Maine's aquatic beauty. You'd think that Larry's tiny little eyes couldn't convey emotion, but the cut scene's heart wrenching . Lobster, lagoon lunacy is truly a masterpiece combining romance, action and adventure.

Kevin: But of course, if [00:06:00] you haven't heard of it, I'm hardly surprised. My vast reservoir of knowledge is both a gift and a curse. Of course, it's ah, the trials of being me.

Kevin: Of course, Chet, I'm so sorry. We don't know how difficult it is. Oh man.

Gavin: is a very focused gamer. I just wanna put it that way. Like I there's people out there that dedicate themselves. Chet, you are dedicated and we appreciate that here.

Kevin: I feel like I got yelled at for like five straight years in a row at Comic-Con by Game Genius. Chet, I feel like Game Genius. Chet waited in line to have me sign something and then let me know how much I suck. That voice is triggering something deep within my belly 

Kevin: and it's, yeah.

Kevin: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not good. But 

Gavin: we're gonna have Chet stick with us all so long. we're gonna have him weigh in on some of the news and then later on in the show, 

Gavin: I don't know exactly why we did this. Now gonna go to a job interview where Chet is going to be an AI boss looking to hire either Kevin or myself. So stick around for that. That

Kevin: why we would hand the wheel of this [00:07:00] show over to Chet? I don't know. Maybe because we made the decision late last night and didn't put enough thought into it. Either way, here we are. Another dumb thing we will be doing with ai, which reminds me, Gavin, it's time for that portion of the show where we waste everybody's time with the dumb things we did with ai.

Gavin: let's be clear, so everybody knows, these are dumb things we do with ai, but each of these dumb things is be, is using a tool that you at home can go and try yourself. These are things that we thought as normal humans, Kevin and I, \ , as smart as we might be, as many years as business as we might be. We are not developers. We do not spend a lot of time in terminal windows. We do not spend a lot of time doing code, but we can do these things and, and we hope that you can kind of learn to do them too. Um, should I start, I'll, I'll start off this 

Kevin: Yeah, well, Gavin ' what you experimented with this weekend took over every feed it was everywhere and it was a new visual technique that led to incredible results.

Gavin: , so this first one is not as dumb a thing as I might originally have thought. So there's an actual tool out there called [00:08:00] Control net. And Control net is essentially a plugin for stable diffusion, which we've talked about in the show many times. Stable Diffusion is kind of the Android to Mid Journey's Apple phone in that it is, it's very maneuverable.

Gavin: You can do a lot of things with. It is an AI imaging software, very versatile, can do all sorts of crazy things with that you can't do with Mid Journey and Control net is one of those things. So net is going to give, allow you to give stable diffusion a specific model that the image generation is going to follow. In previous instances you were able to take a person's pose, let's say a person's posing like a fist in the air, you could make your person match that pose and it would give you an ability to kind of take that pose and make it, it's a really cool thing. happened over the weekend is there was a really interesting use case of control net, which was allowing people to make, um, QR codes with images, all happened like three or four months ago, but then somebody took this and created a really cool spiral look so that basically there's a spiral pattern. [00:09:00] And then the spiral pattern was placed over a really cool image of what looked like kind of an ancient city. And it was gorgeous, right? It was this kind of like drop dead, gorgeous piece of art.

Gavin: And everybody was like, wow, how'd you do that? What is that? And it felt like kind of a breakthrough moment for AI art. I don't know if you felt this way too, but it felt like people were saying, I get AI art now I understand what can be done with it. So it's a really cool thing. You should go look up those spiral things.

Kevin: A lot of folks were doing outdoor scenes and anime castles in the cloud and,, the QR code of it all worked Gavin, because it it was keeping the, the, it's the black against the white, the harsh contrast. And as long as it could keep that really harsh contrast, you can make gorgeous imagery of dragons and castles and clouds, and you could still scan it with your phone and it would work. And so here you're saying someone used a spiral, and when you infuse that into an image, you can still get a beautiful anime castle in the clouds.

Kevin: But the shadows and the lighting and the, uh, foliage of a tree, everything is, is, harshly contrasted so that [00:10:00] if squint or you look at the image a certain way, you can still see the black and white pattern that is sort of baked into the imagery.

Gavin: And, and the difference with the QR codes was it was being done for 

Gavin: functionality and now it's being done for art specifically. Right. So, if you look at these pictures I sent Kev, said like, let's see what it looks like in a forest.

Gavin: And you see this really kind of cool tree branch that goes into a circle. I took a lava tube, which was kind of this thing that kind of circled around to, and then I took this pictures of an abandoned mall. And I love abandoned malls. I love liminal space. 

Gavin: So so I got mid journey to create a picture of abandoned mall. And then I put this picture into this thing and I, I did two versions of this. One was the spiral and one was the Squares. And both of them made like this really cool piece of art. And the spiral one is really interesting, and I think this is why it caught people's eyes, because there's something about the way that it draws you into it, and then you don't even recognize that it's a spiral.

Gavin: Then you start looking around, you're like, oh my God, this feels like it's, something magical about it, and I think it's a really cool thing. 

Kevin: a technique that seemed to appear out of nowhere. [00:11:00] On a Thursday or a Friday of last week, and then within 72 hours people have bent and broken and exploited it to do some incredible things. Like, I love the renders that you made, Gavin, and we will tell everybody in a second how you can make them, because thankfully, people have already created apps that make it so easy to do instead, of having to follow like a six page workflow.

Kevin: but a couple examples I wanted to shout out to by diffusion pics. One was, instead of using squares or spirals and geometry, they used the words obey, black text against a white background. And so you can see that there's a photo of people posing at first it just looks like people in a row walking down the street.

Kevin: But when you start to squint and when you start to let things go, or if you back away from the image, you can see clearly that , the arrangement of their, overcoats, their peacoats and their bow ties and whatnot. It totally spells out obey. 

Gavin: there's a great picture that Fabian in friend of our show, a co-founder 

Gavin: of Glyph put out, which has the words Love in, in these hippies. And what's fascinating to me about this, somehow he got it. So that's [00:12:00] very subliminal when you look at it because if you look at each individual one, you can't see any part of the word love.

Kevin: Mind blowing. So I loved, I always loved Gavin, these subliminal advertisements where they would show that someone put ss e x in an ice cube in a Coca-Cola ad, you know?

Kevin: Or the smoke from a cigarette spelled something in a 1970s 

Kevin: magazine that I'm not allowed to say. 

Gavin: mess around with Joe. Camel's, nose, 

Kevin: Yes. Like I love that stuff. Even the Disney lore of hiding, um, Questionable shapes in a little mermaid castle or in the smoke coming off a cliff. Like, I love that stuff. This allows you to make those things with photos of yourself or your friends or your family.

Kevin: And then when I mentioned that people take it and exploit it and they run with it, some people look at that as negative in the AI scene, right? Like, someone made this beautiful spiral and now, oh look, everybody's making them. It's already commoditized. I love that people do that because now are applying this new technique to their other styles and there's a video.

Kevin: If you're watching the video version of this, you'll be seeing it now. If not, check the show notes. Pers Beats on X. [00:13:00] He's using an app called Defor along with control net, where he's. Animating the black and white spirals in geometric shapes, Gavin rendering beautiful nature scenes and weird, sacred geometry beautiful color palettes, and then putting them to music and motion.

Kevin: And so you're watching these nature scenes evolve alongside the shape that is inspiring. It. It has been 72 hours, and people are already evolving this and making beautiful, motion graphic art out of it. And I, I, that's why I love this scene. 

Gavin: people that are grinding on getting all the attention. This actually makes it more interesting because, oh, you see more people can do stuff and try stuff. 

Kevin: If someone is listening to this or watching the video and they wanna try their hand in it, how can they do it?

Gavin: Hugging Face is, where a lot of these models are hosted. People create their own little spaces. If you're not familiar with hugging face, it's actually a very cool thing to be aware of.

Gavin: You can go to the hugging face and you can try this for free. There's a really cool image design software called 

Gavin: Twitter is k r e a underscore ai. 

Gavin: But What they did, which was really cool, is for a day now, I dunno if [00:14:00] it's still open or not yet.

Gavin: allowed everybody free access to their beta, and in their beta, they actually, they were smart enough to understand this was a phenomenon and they created a tool within allowed you to create your own spirals for free.

Gavin: So this was a really cool thing. 

Kevin: So, 

Gavin: wanna do another quick hit here 

Gavin: of something dumb that I did 'cause there's another thing I, I attempted to do that I was like, I wanna try this 'cause it's a really cool thing I saw. So one of the coolest things you see on, AI Twitter is a lot of people trying things and then posting about stuff they figured out just like this, right? So this was a prompt, a mid journey prompt from a, a username Mr. Underscore Alan t and basically he had generated the idea of creating little tiny people in giant worlds, which is kinda like, you back in the day, there was like those like kind of fishbowl images where you would see like this really cool world almost tilt shifty, but not fully that way. 

Gavin: Okay, so 

Gavin: what 

Kevin: I remember honey, I shrunk the kids where they were in the front lawn and they went to the big cookie and they were eating the cream out of it, and it was the size of a building. 

Gavin: Welcome [00:15:00] to this world. That's exactly right. 

Gavin: Good. reference point. That's exactly what we're talking about here. We're talking about little tiny people in big worlds So I was like, well, I really wanna see if I can do this. I wanna see if I can kind of get into this. 'cause I wasn't sure how well this would work.

Gavin: Now the tricky thing is this does work pretty well if you follow this guy's prompts directly. What I did though, is I attempted to try to put our friend, your friend, whatever you feel about him. He's a great test for a i r guy fii into a couple images. And I have to say, Kevin, this was almost a complete fail.

Gavin: I wanted to see what guy would 

Gavin: look like. Yeah. Not bad, right? Like he's in a, I didn't really expect to put him in the fry pan, but I said Guy 

Kevin: also, is he, is he cooking up some salmon row? Is that one of Guy FI's usual dishes,

Gavin: that's a whole plate of Salmon Row that he is cooking up.

Gavin: But you get a sense, like it got a little toy here. Now if you go to the second one, 

Kevin: is not guy. 

Gavin: that's not guy. 

Kevin: is the, the History channel Aliens guy.

Gavin: I didn't think about that. 

Gavin: My [00:16:00] God. The burger. City. 

Gavin: It's so big. 

Gavin: this was kind of a fail, but get it gets worse. It gets worse. So go to Guy three. Um, 

Kevin: Oh my God. What is it?

Gavin: So now I don't know how This happened, but So now we've got Guy FII Monster Plus look at his hands. His hands have hands coming out of hands. 

Kevin: guy, FII Monster. Looks like every person at the Swim Up bar at this Louisiana RV park that I'm at. The only difference is he's missing giant band-aids on his torso. 

Kevin: True story, by the way, Gavin, they were flapping. Anytime someone would get into the water, the band-aids were loose and flapping on the surface of it.

Kevin: I am not kidding. I swear to God. 

Gavin: So that was my complete fail with this mid journey prompt that said, please go try that prompt. Shout out to uh, Underscore Alan T.

Gavin: Good job on coming up with a unique mid journey prompt. What dumb thing did you do with AI this week? We

Kevin: I, uh, something that Cocktail Peanut, the developer that we shouted out last week behind Pinocchio Computer Cocktail Peanut put Nicholas Cage.

Gavin: [00:17:00] Oh yes. This was great. 

Kevin: into, uh, childish Gambinos. This is America, and it got me, it fully got me. And the promise that Cocktail Peanut put out there was that it took 10 minutes to do on his very basic MacBook. His MacBook has an M one chip, which allows it to crunch AI faster, But to take 10 minutes to do a whole face swap in a video piqued my interest because I have a very underpowered Walmart gaming laptop that I bought, not for this show, but for something else. And I thought, let's melt the G P U. So I tried it out. It actually took two or three times to install properly.

Kevin: When I say that, I click the button and wait. I don't know if I was being impatient or if my trailer park wifi was acting up. But eventually on the third time, it went through it fully installed Face Fusion, which is the name of this particular plugin.

Kevin: It's all completely free. 

Kevin: And how the app works. you fire it up, it'll pop open in a web browser and it'll ask you for a source, which is a single still image [00:18:00] of anyone or anything as long as there's a face there.

Kevin: It doesn't even have to be perfectly cropped. It doesn't have to be dead on. The person can be smiling or frowning. It does not matter. You give it a single image source, then, give it a video. That's the target video. It could be clips from a movie, it could be your own webcam by the way you can perform into it.

Kevin: But instead, I grabbed clips from Inglorious Bastards , even a monologue from the TV series, uh, and I had a little fun with it. Gavin. 

Kevin: Pop open the first boy there and you'll see again, I took a single headshot of comedian Bobby Lee, and I applied it to the, that's a bingo moment from Inglorious 

Gavin: Wow, that is crazy. 


Kevin: it does a pretty darn good job. It matches the frame rate if you want it to. You can play with the, the file quality.

Kevin: It keeps the audio if you want as well. So I could see how Cocktail Peanut put the music video in there, grabbed a photo of Nick Cage and let [00:19:00] it ride. And it's so fast, Gavin, that I was actually like struggling to keep up with throwing more photos at it because once it crunches it, it seemed to be much faster at applying new faces.

Kevin: So you'll see I did the , same scene with Steve 

Gavin: Yeah. Yeah. 

Kevin: I went ahead and threw you into the bear monologue as well, Gavin, and you can see it 


Kevin: it's only using one image right now. You can imagine a future where if you give it two or three source images, one where a person's mouth is closed and their eyes are closed, and another where things are wide open, it does fall apart a little bit when you get super profile this tech is nothing new, but the one click nature of it and speed with which it renders is so good that you all should give it a try. Now, again, I cannot vouch for the safety and security of Pinocchio computer. I run it on a PC where , I don't necessarily mind if things get compromised.

Kevin: I have no reason to suspect that it's malware by any stretch. [00:20:00] But I also don't know Cocktail Peanut. I don't know him or them, I don't know, cocktail Peanut personally. So there is always a risk whenever you run any software locally. 

Gavin: And as on that last kind of adult message for a show that often spends a lot of time in like eight to 12 year old mode, let's talk about our sponsor, Kevin. We have a wonderful sponsor for adults, children, I guess, of children. We're running businesses and we're managing people, but 

Kevin: Hey, I see 'em on X all the time. I see like nine year olds tweeting how I made a faceless YouTube channel and destroyed your income in 10 minutes. So I know there's some nine year olds out there running digital lemonade stands and crushing it.

Gavin: Those nine year olds might need to do management conversations too with employees they have around the world because they might have hired an editor and who knows where and they need to talk to them. So super is a new service that allows you to, with your employees in a slightly different way.

Gavin: It helps to grab, the messages from your Slack chats and get a sense of where they're at. If you go to super manage AI slash humans and you [00:21:00] sign up for the wait list right now, you not only support our show, but it's totally free and it gives you a chance to kinda get an early look at a new AI tool. 

Gavin: Kevin, our, uh, co-host, Chet, has something to say about this. Now, I'm not sure what he's going to say and how he's used it.

Gavin: per se, but should we listen to what Chet has to say about it? 

Kevin: No, we probably shouldn't. Gavin.

Kevin: I know that we're supposed to, that's part of the bit, part of the sponsorship. I, I just, I'm not convinced that Chet was the right AI to summon for this show today, but, he does have something to say. And I can tell you the beginning of the generation says, quote in my most pompous and condescending tone.

Gavin: He has to say that out loud to make sure he 

Kevin: I, Let's let Game Genius Chet tell you about our amazing sponsor for today, super

Kevin: In my most pompous and condescending tone.

Kevin: Hey you. Yes, I'm talking to you. Humble manager. Drowning [00:22:00] in data chaos. Wanna ascend to my level of brilliance, chuckles ? Well, let's start small. Introducing super managed AI humans. Okay. Get AI powered insights before every one-on-one and magically distilled insights from your Slack channels in just two minutes.

Kevin: Say goodbye to catch up mode and hello to meaningful connections. After all, they'll handle the robot stuff. You just focus on being human. That's right. Uh, and best of all, it's free for up to 15 team members. Whoa, go on. I elevate your game. . You can thank me later. Well, okay. And he, he got so excited. I don't know.

Kevin: It was mid cannoli bite at the end and started tripping over it. But what he said was mostly true, except he did botch the url. Super managed AI slash humans. Head on over there. Sign up for the wait list for free. And if you use that url, it helps us out. 'cause it lets the team over there who has generously supported this podcast, it lets them know that you came in [00:23:00] because we recommended it.

Kevin: Super managed AI slash humans. Go check it out.

Gavin: do you know what time it is, Kevin? 

Kevin: Ooh, what time is it Gavin?

Gavin: It is time for the never ending winner saga. It is the news 

News, eh, news, it's the A. I. for humans, news, yes, news.

Kevin: We gotta make this, we gotta, we gotta hook the TikTok audience 'cause this is Juicy Gavin. As of this morning, the AI arms race is heating up. It is red hot. Mines are exploding. Headphones are flying off of ears because the two biggest players in the scene, the Tech titans, open AI and Google, they are bashing heads and press releases are flying and the alpha is leaking.

Kevin: [00:24:00] Please help me, a big dumb make sense of this. What do we need to know? What is happening?

Gavin: Okay. The very first thing I think that's important to understand is. Is what multimodal ais are, right? So the definition of multimodal essentially means an ai, it's specifically an AI term in this instance that can access and produce multiple kinds of media, right? 

Gavin: So that it can access videos, it can access music, it can access words, it can do all this stuff, and then it can produce those things as well. And I think that is a major change from what we've seen so far. If you remember chat g p t way back, I guess it was in like March of this year, had a whole demo where they illustrated a multimodal service where they basically drew a, an image on a napkin and they put it on the camera and they, it was an image of a website, and then the chat, G p t made that website. We have not seen that yet. And what Google has promised, the new Google Gemini has promised is that their thing is gonna be multimodal from the ground up. And we're gonna get into some pretty interesting stuff that Bard just announced in association with this, which I think is leading [00:25:00] into this. But the other big news story that came out just today is that chat, G B T might try to steal some of Google's Gemini thunder and rush their multimodal stuff into production now. 

Kevin: Google's Gemini, talked about it a handful of times, but everything is pointing to the fact that it's probably trained off of YouTube in some capacity, at least off of the transcripts of YouTube videos. But it'd be so much 

Gavin: can't underscore, you can't 

Gavin: underscore how big that is. There's so much data there. It's crazy. 

Kevin: So, so much data. would've had to scrape run programs that were grabbing the transcript of YouTube videos, getting them all together and training off that.

Kevin: There's a chance that OpenAI did that. there's a slim to zero chance that they were able to do it across every video in Google's ecosystem. So when you think about every video that's been created, every comment that's been left on a video, every description that's been left, that on its own is a massive treasure trove of information and what I hope.

Kevin: And this might be a few years out, but what I hope is that [00:26:00] it's not just the transcripts. Gavin, I'm hoping that the imagery associated with the video is also fed to it because oftentimes, you there's an ounce of description that goes along with a demonstration of something, right? And so if it can learn from seeing that imagery, this thing could be so, capable and really ushering the next generation of these AI models that we play with.

Kevin: But not to be outdone the open AI announcements where that they have, as you said, their own multimodal approach, but that apparently it's code name Gobi. 

Kevin: Did you hear about that? That's what I was like, what is go what little alien critter with a couple pieces of wire 

Gavin: remember Frale Rock? 

Kevin: Was there a character named Goby on 

Gavin: go Gobi was one of the main characters of Frale Rock, who was like the main guy? 

Gavin: Uh 

Kevin: Oh, gobo. 

Gavin: oh. It's Gobo . 

Kevin: Gobo .Okay, so Gobo had an illegitimate child deep within the Frigo rock mind. And now Goby has emerged and Goby is angry 'cause Obie . [00:27:00] Goby has to prove something to Papapa. 

Gavin: It's Gobi Kenobi. It's 

Gavin: like if we gonna put 'em in the Frago Rock and Star Wars universes. 

Kevin: He was the the Forearmed boss in Mortal Kombat. And you would face him before Shang. Oh no, that was Goro. 

Gavin: was Gora. Yeah, exactly.

Gavin: Anyway, it's a big deal. I think the other thing to think about, which is interesting when we talk about YouTube is Google, unlike OpenAI, which has scraped kind of the open web for a lot of this stuff, if you upload something to Google and you upload a video to them, they have done a long time of work around the idea of ownership rights over all this stuff, and I pretty much guarantee you that there is something in the Google terms and conditions.

Gavin: I don't know this for a fact, but I pretty much guarantee you there's something in the terms and conditions that says, like if you upload a video to YouTube, We can use X, Y, and Z for this data to train it. It doesn't mean we can blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, but there's something in there. So legally they are gonna be on much better standing, I think, in a lot of ways than OpenAI might be as well too. 

Kevin: I asked G P [00:28:00] T for Gavin. What the hell Gobi stood for, right? Because I'm like, what is this? Right? And of course, it mentioned the Gobi Desert, 

Kevin: But I don't think that's it. So then it, it said that it could be something about, , Indian cuisine, like a Gobi Masala. There is, a Gobi campaign scout rifle, which is in Fallout New Vegas, but I didn't think it was that either. So I asked G P T four to get creative and tell me what Gobi means regarding open AI and G P T specifically.

Kevin: And it spat out some really interesting stuff. 

Gavin: Okay. 

Kevin: Generative open, AI's base intelligence, a theoretical foundation or platform for all of open AI's future models. The base where every other model, including G P T Springs, forth. Was one of the, uh, 

Gavin: what if that is real? That would be fantastic. Imagine. Imagine if like we got a little from OpenAI. We're not saying we did. Most likely 99.9%. That's a complete hallucination, but you never 

Kevin: Sure. 

Gavin: Let's talk about Bard. Let's talk about the Bard updates. What did 

Gavin: Bard add? Because we all thought we [00:29:00] listen. You and I both have said our, our things about Bard.

Gavin: Rip bard. also 

Kevin: We put a duns cap on. Bard made him sit in the corner. 

Kevin: count to a 

Gavin: say. Bard has failed a couple levels of grade school, but maybe Gemini is just gonna make Bard way smarter.

Gavin: So what did they announce about Bard? Kev 

Kevin: Dude that is, and not to get full dude, but that was the reaction this morning was 

Gavin: can't go full dude, We can't 

Kevin: I went full dude, bro. Bro. I went full dude, bro. 

Kevin: Because I Did you think they would be rolling out enhancements and upgrades to frigging Bard, along the path to Gemini? 

Gavin: didn't. I thought Bard 

Gavin: was gonna be a second banana and it was just gonna get passed down and wasn't gonna get used anymore. So it makes me think that Bard is a part of their story going along. And that Gemini, which they have said Gemini is a cl a cloud service. So it might just be like the back end that powers all this stuff.

Gavin: And what we might end up getting is like super powered Bard. And Bard might be the thing that is the access point, like chat gpt is the access point, [00:30:00] but all the other stuff that's running Gemini through docs or through anything else goes through that. And Bard is our point of view.

Gavin: So what did they add specifically to Bard or what are they adding. 

Kevin: got some time to play with it this morning. supports 40 plus languages, which is great. universal access to AI is a big deal.

Kevin: We love democratizing access, so great on them for finally supporting multiple languages. It has extension support. Now, Gavin, which is their plugin ecosystem right now, it's very limited to the Google stuff, but what is impressive is that it just works. It's not like, , the open AI experience where if you load chat G p t four, if you're paying for it, you have to select plugins and then you have to choose the plugins that you want for your session.

Kevin: And what's really annoying is that you're locked into those plugins. So if you find yourself halfway down a conversation and you wanna add something or take something away, you gotta start a completely new chat. 

Kevin: Where it works here is that if you say, Hey, find me a cheap flight to Mexico City in December, leaving out of Los Angeles or Palm Springs, which is a request that I made of it.

Kevin: It [00:31:00] automagically installs the Google Flights plugin does. The search, you can have it plan a trip for you around that. 

Kevin: Same thing goes for YouTube integration. I said . me ways to manage the abysmal inventory system in Starfield.

Kevin: And it went, installed the YouTube plugin very quickly, crawled YouTube and then came back with a recommendation of like seven videos for me and puts them all in line for you. Now, I don't know how that's fundamentally different than just going to YouTube and searching for the videos, but what I'm seeing here now is the future Google search experience.

Kevin: Finally taking shape, can have your conversation with Bard, you can ask it for your traditional AI stuff, recommendations, article summaries. Yes, but it's truly an assistant now plugging into other Google ecosystems. Then it starts to get powerful. I asked it to check my email and gimme a summary of the most recent emails, and then it popped up with a permission, which it didn't do for the other plugins. Obviously, if it's accessing your sensitive data within the Google ecosystem, it wants you to opt [00:32:00] in, which I appreciate. And that includes Google Drive files, Google Sheets, and your email.

Kevin: You can ask it to find files for you. Summarize documents. In this case, I had it summarize my most recent emails and it's on an account that I happen to sign up for a lot of RV stuff. Surprise, surprise. And there was a bunch of spam from these RV dealers. So I said, Hey Bard, do me a favor. Unsubscribe me from all that.

Kevin: I don't wanna receive that anymore. Gavin. It immediately shot back and said, here's how you can unsubscribe. Open the email, click on this link here, and within 48 hours you should get it. And I said, Gavin, that's not the future. That's not it, baby. I want you to be more capable. Bard, I want you to take that Dun cap off.

Kevin: Come out of timeout. Can you unsubscribe from those emails for me? And Gavin, it said, done and dusted, baby. I have unsubscribed you from Mike Thompson rv and from whatever the other dealer was. And Gavin, I sat back and went, oh, wait [00:33:00] a minute. Wait a minute. Fool me once. 

Gavin: yes. Okay. 

Gavin: Sure. Exactly. 

Kevin: me. Wait, fool me. You can't.

Kevin: You fool me. Can't get fooled again. I said, Bard. 

Kevin: Did you actually unsubscribe me or were you making it up? And it said, I'm sorry, I'm just a dumb, dumb dinging Don ai. I can't do that yet. I frigging lied to you, buddy. You can't trust me. I'm Google Bard . . 

Gavin: Bar, damn you, Bard. 

Kevin: Dude, I got so excited. 

Gavin: That is the dream. It's one small step from here, one small step, which is I, this is the dumbest thing in the world, but I would kill for something. 

Gavin: So I didn't have to spend an hour every whatever month going through and just unsubscribing from all these things that I've 

Gavin: subscribed to over time. That we are so close. 

Kevin: So close.

Kevin: You can taste it, but it was a fail. Now lastly, because I think this one's really cool, is Google fact check This is interesting here because we all know that ais can hallucinate, right? Sometimes it has no idea what information it's spitting out. If you've never used an AI and you're listening to this [00:34:00] podcast, , you should know that you just can't blindly trust whatever the output is.

Kevin: Even if 98% of it is right, that last 2% could be fatal. to you personally or maybe to your professional career. Ask the lawyers who've been caught using this stuff. So they have a little button now. It's a little G icon at the bottom of certain results where you can click Gavin and it will take the output that it gave you.

Kevin: Search Google to try to find links that verify the information that it just gave you. I had it give me information about the RV park where I'm at. It all checked out . I asked it for the history of vampires in New Orleans, 'cause it was something that April and I were discussing. me a little printout. I said fact check it mostly green.

Kevin: It highlights the parts where it was able to find, uh, info, but one little spot in yellow where it was like, Hey, I found conflicting information when I googled this, so you might want fact check this little passage. That was really powerful. And then Gavin, I asked it for . I asked it for information on Fight Fighters Pro for the [00:35:00] Comor 69, you know, that famous fighting game that came out in the mid eighties.

Gavin: Yeah. I'm 

Gavin: sure Chad has a lot to say about that game. 

Kevin: So it came back the first output because Google Bard will give you of three different results. The first output said, I can't find any information. I, I'm a large language model. I don't know about this, so go away. But results number two and three, Gavin gave me plenty of information about Fight Fighters Pro for the Comor 69, and when I said fact check the results, the whole page came back in yellow and was like, I can't find any.

Kevin: Yeah, I can't find any mention of Steven Segal in a fighting game or these weird fatalities that you've mentioned. it did a really good job on on fact checking its own BSS and saying, you can't trust any of this so good on Google 

Gavin: of, that's a huge part of what this next step of AI is gonna be, is trusting ai, right? So right now we've got this really powerful thing that is like, you 10 to 12 year old that likes to make things up and likes to please people, likes to come up with names and stories, even if they don't actually make sense. [00:36:00] If we get to the point where you can actually trust this information, that is a major, major step. And again, it goes to show you, we don't have to get to artificial general intelligence for the next step. The next step is literally just like, let's implement things that make sense and actually are trustworthy.

Gavin: That's a big deal. I do wanna hear. What Chet thinks, of multimodal ais, 

Kevin: ah, multimodal ais, the so-called a next big thing. It's cute how technology tries to catch up to my gaming expertise, but I digress. Okay, sure. Just like in the legendary game, conjunction junction. Junction , oh, you haven't heard of that one either. No. Typical where players must connect various elements in a seamless world, multimodal ai aim to bridge the divide between text, visuals, sounds and more true.

Kevin: Now, are they a big deal in the game of AI evolution? They're like the ultimate power up. Imagine not just . Reading or hearing AI's wisdom, but seeing and experiencing it [00:37:00] across multiple senses, calm down, check. It's like going from playing in two D to a full blown four D VR experience. I'm getting whip these systems promise a richer and more interactive way of communicating with machines.

Kevin: But as always, with great power ups come great responsibilities and caveats. I mean, look at what happened to Steve, the squirrel in conjunction Junction Junction when he got a little too confident with his multimodal acorns, right? In short, yes, they're a big deal, but much like my thoughts on whether lobster, lagoon, lunacy should have a sequel, it should, by the way, , it's all about how they're implemented.

Gavin: is that it? 

Gavin: That was, so first of all, 

Kevin: I'm so scared to hop in Gavin. I don't know if that was it.

Gavin: Chet, I I I worry about a world where Chet discovers politics because I have a feeling he would be incredibly successful. What's frightening and all hell, but thank [00:38:00] you Chet. 

Gavin: Okay, we should move on. another really cool story for people out there was a really interesting study produced by, uh, Molik, who we both have talked about before. Warfarin professor who specializes and works on some of the AI and issues with economics. Economics, he produced a paper, title of it is Centers and Cyborgs in the Jagged Frontier. And basically what he did is he wanted to study what people's, work output looked like on its own and then what it looked like with ai. And essentially he has now proven in his study that people are better using ai. They're more efficient, they're better, they come up with more creative, um, And I think this is something we kind of expected, Kevin, but for all the people out there who are scared of AI or aren't sure about it, not as we've said on the show a billion times, there are many issues to think about with AI in terms of the legal and rights issues. But if you use generative ai, you generally are a better, more efficient worker for yourself or for the people you work for, which I think is a pretty big deal. 

Kevin: So the stats on that too, Gavin, [00:39:00] They completed 12.2% more tasks. They finished tasks 25.1% faster, and the quality of their output was ranked 40% higher. And they were saying that for certain workers, if there was a knowledge gap or a skill gap, Leveraging this generative AI brought 'em up, to parody with people who were more skilled, knowledgeable in a specific area.

Kevin: It wasn't flawless, right? We know that there are gaps in AI's knowledge and abilities, and so outputs were wrong, but that's where the human element should come in, where a human is fact checking and double checking. Certainly some jobs will be disrupted by ai. But along that journey, along that path, AI is going to enhance the output of a lot of people's, uh, and that's really incredible.

Gavin: Now the alternate side of this is we had two very famous people come out. Ray Dalio, a famous billionaire, ran BlackRock, is a well-known figure in the hedge fund billionaire space.

Gavin: On the other side, we have Bernie Sanders, [00:40:00] a very well-known fighter for the worker in at large. Both of these people are very worried right now about the future of work, and both of them are saying that maybe we need to have a three day work week or a shorter work week, which is great, right? The bigger issue with this, and I think both of them get to this point, is unless we have some sort of system set up, there's a really big chance that the rich people and the tech companies are the ones that are going to kind of suck all the value out of this incredible new technology. And you'll have this kind of lower to middle class who will have zero work to do and be struggling to figure out how they do stuff.

Gavin: Now we have to figure out what, universal basic income. Is that an answer? What does it look like going forward? But it's kind of a scary idea about where we go from here, right? 

Gavin: It's 

Kevin: It sounds super dystopian, obviously, and we have to answer it and kind of drags the podcast into a really negative, dark space 

Gavin: and. 

Gavin: you know, I don't like being here. It's not the most fun place to be in the [00:41:00] world, 

Kevin: , but then my spidey senses start tingling when you do that, Gavin, because if I know this podcast and I, I, I 

Gavin: don't, no, 

Gavin: he's not, he's, 

Kevin: no,

Gavin: not around, is he? no,

Kevin: Kevin and Gavin, it's me again. Good guy. Ai, uh, zooming in with the wind in my virtual hair to let you know that AI isn't all evil. It's actually sprinkling a bit of magic and making great things happen as well. Thank you. Okay. Um, 

Gavin: Okay. Good guy. Ai. Thank 

Gavin: God 

Kevin: gotta ex Gavin, you gotta imagine we have some new listeners and viewers.

Kevin: So do you wanna explain good guy ai, please?

Gavin: So good guy GA AI is a character friend of ours who shows up when maybe Kevin and I are starting to feel a little depressed or dystopian about the world of AI because sometimes it can be that way. Good guy AI comes to bring us a story that will make us feel better about the changes that AI is making in the world no matter what.

Gavin: Like 

Gavin: any sort of person can hear a good, right. Is that right. Good guy. Ai. I think that's what we're 

Kevin: I think that's totally right. Oh, hold that thought. Uh, my mom just whispered a golden nugget of wisdom in my ear to share with you. Fine [00:42:00] gentlemen. She says, tell Kevin and Gavin that this AI is like the guardian angel in the world of healthcare. Always there to Linda, helping hands. Okay. Oh, okay.

Kevin: Yeah, I, I I heard a little bit about this story, Gavin, there is a, a new healthcare breakthrough leveraging ai, but what you want to, you wanna jump in or No? . 

Gavin: My question is, he's on a motorcycle 

Gavin: his mom just whispered in his ear, do we think that good guy AI's mom is on his back of his 

Gavin: motorcycle? 

Kevin: I think, she's Jan Sporting . Yeah. Her name is Jan . And she is, she is. She's got 'em clutched. I don't know. How was, oh God. Where was I? Uh, yes. Bcca Lab, you bitch. The future of healthcare is here. Picture an AI powered superhero microscope swooping into save the day with laser sharp accuracy. It's like having a super smart best friend in the pathology lab guiding us to early and accurate diagnosis.

Kevin: That's right. This augmented reality microscope is the star quarterback in healthcare scoring touchdowns for patient care. Good guy. AI loves [00:43:00] a good AI story. I mean, you see how exciting it gets, but in case you didn't follow it because his. 

Gavin: Maybe you didn't follow it. Maybe 

Kevin: Maybe you, maybe you missed some of that. There is a new microscope that has AI embedded in it.

Kevin: It's actually, it looks like a regular lab microscope, but there's a small box next to it that's running , AI models basically. And as you're scanning slides, it can detect, it's multimodal, it can look at the imagery that's coming in, in real time to detect things like cancer. And so it's helping folks diagnose and catch things and it enhances the image.

Kevin: And that's a, that's a good story.

Gavin: You know what's fascinating to me is that like, it always is interesting when you see the Department of the Defense coming into stories like this because 

Gavin: like you're like, what does that have to do? But you realize the Department of Defense is responsible for a crazy amount of technology that's built, right?

Gavin: When you think about looking, everybody who saw Oppenheimer this summer understands how the defense industry sometimes pushes stuff forward for maybe not the best intentions, but a lot of interesting thing comes out of that. Oh, I do wanna 

Kevin: And let's not forget the Grand Alliance of Google and the Department of Defense coming [00:44:00] together like the ultimate dream team's to bring this vision to life. Mm-hmm. Thank you. This AI super tool is like having a golden retriever of technology. Loyal, reliable. A real good guy. Oh, thanks. Good guy. Oh wow.

Kevin: That's great. And there he goes. Still riding off. 

Gavin: amazing. we 

Gavin: got visited him 

Kevin: good. 

Gavin: weeks in. Oh 

Gavin: no. Is 

Gavin: he okay? Tell me he's okay. 

Kevin: yeah, Gav, he's um, 

Gavin: Oh 

Gavin: no. Oh, no. 

Kevin: Don't worry about, I'm gonna mute my microphone 'cause I think that's how you're. 

Gavin: Is his

Gavin: mom, uh, Is his mom? Is mom alive? Is mom alive? That's all. Is 

Gavin: Jansport there? 

Kevin: I her, her flip flops went flying Gavin, and that's not a good sign. There are no shoes left on.

Kevin: Good guy. AI or on Jan. Okay, well g do you wanna, I don't know if you can you hear that on your end, Gavin? 

Gavin: I can hear it still. Maybe, 

Gavin: maybe bring the volume down on your end and 

Kevin: yeah, yeah, yeah. You just go ahead and take us into the next phase here. 'cause we were talking about work [00:45:00] and the future of it and ai and 

Gavin: All right everybody, it is time for our new, very well planned out as usual, demo of the day, uh, today. Speaking of work and how work is changing. Okay. now can take those, take those sirens down. Kevin, thank you. Thank you for a little bit of AI 

Kevin: , there's an extra 90 seconds of pad Gavin, you sure you don't want me to, let me just slide it back up. Let's see. Yep. Things are still going on. That's good.

Gavin: Good to hear. good.

Gavin: to hear. 

Gavin: . So in today's demo of the day, work is a continual thing people are using AI for, and we talked about with Super Manage our sponsor, what we wanted to do is get interviewed. So imagine a world in the future where ais are our bosses and have to conduct interviews to decide who they're gonna hire. Today we are going to have our very temperamental co-host interview, Kevin and I, and see which of the two of us he would want to hire to work with him on his very famous, very large gaming YouTube channel. So Kevin, are you ready to start this experience? 

Kevin: Ah,

Gavin: [00:46:00] Here we go. 

Kevin: if game Genius. Chet is gonna begin the interview where one of us is gonna get to work for his YouTube channel.

Gavin: I mean, it's a big business. This is a crater economy. Kev, these, this guy's probably rolling in millions of dollars. The truth is market lyer. If you saw this market 

Kevin: Well, well, Kevin. Kevin, sorry Gavin. It's the dynamic duo of. Whatever that show was. Okay. Let's see if either of you can ascend to my level of video game mastery. Great. First question, imagine you're trapped inside Pixel Plunge Panic, A two D side scrolling game, notorious for its quirky physics and rabid ducks.

Kevin: Given your media background, how would you transform this digital crisis into an engaging video content piece for modern audiences? Kevin, you first? Okay. Oh wow. Oh, that's, hold on. Let me re-render that last part so you get to tee this one up. Gavin. Okay. So I am trapped inside Pixel [00:47:00] Plunge panic, the two D side scrolling game with quirky physics and ducks.

Kevin: You think the Google grind is tough for the Amazon process that I've heard about 35 callbacks and weird logic puzzles, 

Kevin: but this is 

Gavin: With a yapping. Enough with a 

Gavin: yapping. 

Kevin: Okay. 

Gavin: your, get your answer out. Get your answer 

Kevin: Well, game genius, Chet, uh, first thing I would do is craft a Mr. B style video. Yeah. Right. 'cause it's easy to just say it with a compelling thumbnail on the top.

Kevin: Five ways to break the pixel. Plunge. Panic physics. I would exploit the game's code to escape, and that would free me. It would drive subscriptions to the channel and in the process it would totally dunk on Gavin. Oh. 

Gavin: Wow. Wow. Damn. 

Kevin: Ah huh. Interesting approach. Kevin, using your supposed predicament for views. And of course to get one over on Gavin.

Kevin: I respect the hustle. Boom. . Alright, Gavin, your turn. If you found a magic cartridge that could blend any two games from the nineties to create the ultimate [00:48:00] hybrid, ooh, which two would you choose and why? Oh, and Kevin's little dunk. Attempt aside, tell us why this hybrid would make for binge worthy content.

Kevin: , gavin, listen, Chet is an impatient man. . 

Gavin: Hold on, hold on. Hold on 

Kevin: Oh yeah. See, , it's not so easy when you're typing under duress. Is it now 

Gavin: It's not. It's not. It's really not. Okay. Hold on. And the world 

Kevin: no time to proofread.

Gavin: . I'm trying to think of what the funniest thing here is. 

Gavin: All.

Gavin: right. So first of all.

Gavin: I want to tell you how much I admire your ability. Game genius. You make 

Gavin: incredible content already, and I'm just 

Kevin: Oh, 

Kevin: come 

Gavin: experience. Just to be part of this interview is a really thrilling thing. 

Kevin: Wow. Oh, you've worked with talent before Gavin. I can tell. Sorry. Sorry. Go ahead. It's you and Chet. My bad. My bad.

Gavin: the two games that I would merge would be the world famous Ducktails game from the Nintendo 64. That was a system not a lot of people know about, but it was a massive hit in my household. I, as I'm sure yours, [00:49:00] game genius and the world famous dog simulator that will Wright put together right after he put together Sim Earth. It's a perfect match of two animal worlds and it would be binge-worthy because no one understands how funny it would be to see Uncle Scrooge as a dog with the disaster setting turned all the way up.

Gavin: So I can't wait 

Gavin: to hear what you think about my answer. Game genius. 

Kevin: Wow. I respect the fake classic console drops of the s Tendo Gavin, I, I don't want to, you are my enemy right now, but I do respect it. Buttering him 

Gavin: is both 

Gavin: of our, both of our enemies right now. 

Kevin: That's ah Gavin. Oh, it took you a while, but buttering me up. A bold strategy. So Ducktails meets dog simulator Uncle Scrooge, causing he liked that chaos in a world of canines.

Kevin: Now that's a crossover I'd never have dreamt of, and yet it's so absurd. It just might work. 

Kevin: Points for creativity. Gavin though, points deducted for using flattery as a crutch.[00:50:00] Oh, backfire. Moving . You both find yourselves in a classic R P G sort of superiority , but there's a twist. All your gear and items are based on pieces of obsolete media equipment.

Kevin: Kevin, what's your weapon of choice and how would you creatively employ it in battle? Wow. Remember, make me laugh and it might just save you from being dubbed the Underqualified Geek of the day.

Kevin: Gavin, wanna say which weapon you would wield?

Gavin: Okay, so I basically went with a classic, right? One of the classic, uh, worst pieces of technology of all time is the Microsoft Zoom. 

Gavin: So what I said is, it's a powerful weapon because it can suck the energy out of any room because of how not cool it actually was. And what you're, what you have to do here is you have to secretly and stealthily slip it into the pocket of your enemy. And then you ask the guy like, Hey, can you play a song for me? I heard this [00:51:00] song the other day, I'm wondering what it was. And he goes to reach into his pocket to take out his iPhone and he pulls out a Zoom and then you got him, Kevin, you got him right there. So that's how, that was how I put it out.

Kevin: it's a great idea. I love it. I think I got you on this one, buddy, because I'm leveraging the phony mega disc.

Kevin: You might remember the mini disc, but the mega disc was a giant audio recording system and out of each little mega disc square, shiny platter goes flying towards an enemy cutting off limbs and heads alike, and it also samples their death nail. So I get recorded sounds of their gurgling and their pleas and their cries, and, the ones that gave me a content warning, I think, on open AI just now.

Kevin: And then I make a dub step banger, including those samples so that everybody waits for the big body drop, Kevin. Oh, the phony mega disc. Yeah. Turning the screams of your fallen foes into dubstep. I'll give you this. It's a twisted blend of sadistic and hipster that I never expected. Thank you.[00:52:00] It's a rare game where slaughtering enemies and dance parties come together.

Kevin: So Harmoniously and Gavin, sweet, naive Gavin 

Kevin: the zoo, A portable popularity black hole. I guess there's a certain cunning to that tactic swapping out the pinnacle of tech for the digital equivalent of a wet blanket. Yeah, but here's the thing. Relying on the sheer cringe of ancient tech to defeat foes is well more sad than badass

Kevin: Gentlemen, it's been enlightening. Great, but after careful consideration, and mostly for my own entertainment, let's go. I've decided that neither of you is remotely qualified to assist with my video game reviews and YouTube content, what your combined media set expertise. Seems to boil down to dubstep, death grooves, and tech embarrassment.

Kevin: Well, hold on. That sucks. Frankly, I've seen NPCs with more Witt and talent. Okay? If you two are the best the [00:53:00] industry has to offer, it's no wonder I'm the supreme overlord of video game knowledge. Okay? But don't despair too much. Perhaps you can console yourselves with a good old game of duck dog disasters.

Kevin: do they still make that? Oh, nevermind. Don't answer farewell mere mortals. Remember to like, comment, and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Okay, Chet, it's probably the best decision you'll make all year. 

Gavin: This was just a promo for Tets YouTube channel. This whole thing, by the 

Gavin: way, first of 

Kevin: why he crushes us in the numbers.

Gavin: He's got his head straight. First of all, he referenced my fake game at the end without even knowing 

Gavin: it. So let's, let's get this right. Chet, one of us deserved this job probably. All right, we should wrap up this episode. This's been a fun one. Kevin, where do people go to find us and where do we find five star reviews? 

Kevin: Oh, well, we have one of those, actually, Gavin, on the old Apple Podcast. If you wanna support us, like we said, whatever platform you're getting this on, because we are on a lot of them. If you're on YouTube subscribe, it costs you nothing. 

Kevin: [00:54:00] however you are getting this podcast, please engage on that platform. If you're watching it on TikTok, make sure you follow us and share and comment. If you're on YouTube, subscribe, click the bell, leave a comment there. If you're on X, do whatever X is, do these days.

Kevin: And of course if you're on Spotify, five stars helps us out. Follow us there. And on Apple Podcasts, you can leave a review and we always beg and plead for those five star juicy ones. And we got one from eca, Eck, Eck hat. 

Gavin: Atca 0, 0, 0. I 

Gavin: do wanna shout out one thing, ATCA 0 0 0 is from the Reddit subreddit r podcast. So I've been spending a little bit of time in our podcast, which is a great place to go if you're interested in podcasting or you wanna learn how to podcast and everything like that. So he actually, I, I put our podcast up as a thing, like, Hey, take a listen to this.

Gavin: I'm kind of curious what people think. He listened to our podcast and gave us a couple quick notes, but really liked it and 

Gavin: like went the next step and gave us a five star review. So that is such a cool thing. So huge Shout out to [00:55:00] ACA Cattle. Oh, oh oh 

Kevin: Yeah, I am so sorry. We are butchering your username, but sincerely awesome that you guys connected on Reddit. Thank you for listening and for leaving the feedback. He said hosts are witty and have good chemistry and great industry knowledge without making it feel overly technical, allowing anyone to join in on the show and feel like they're able to follow along.

Kevin: Good job. Words I've never heard from my father,

Gavin: Yeah, take that game. Genius, Chet, that you see 

Kevin: That's right.

Gavin: is what we do 

Gavin: Anyway, all right everybody, we gotta wrap this up. , I will see you in a week. 

Kevin: everyone. We'll see you AI for Humans Show. That's our main website and you can check out AI for Human Show on TikTok, on X, on everywhere. And again, check out super Sign up for the free wait list so you are in the know. It helps us out. It helps them out. And isn't that what this world's about, buddy?

Kevin: If you're hearing this, you can make a difference in our little lives. We're asking you to do something. It's gonna take you time, but it'll, you can make a difference.

Gavin: we start playing Sarah McLaughlin music [00:56:00] now. Please help us out. All right 

Gavin: everybody, we'll see you next . We'll see you next time.